Thursday, February 21, 2013

Recipe Free Cook Returns!

Since Recipe Free Cook is under a different email, and--quite frankly--I'm too lazy to figure out the log in and email that I used for it, so I'm restarting with this one!  The original is linked in the sidebar, but since I'm trying to get healthy while slowly planning a wedding I figured it'd be nice to have a fresh start.  Anytime I cook something, barring any repeats, I will post the recipe and a few pictures here.

Tonight, I got home a little after 19:30--a typical time for Bruno and I to get home on a weekday.  I have a slight weakness, every now and then, for Real Simple magazine.  And Cooks Illustrated.  Mostly because I love the covers of both and because they always have good recipes and organization styles.  If you aren't familiar, here are how their covers look:

Bruno's mom actually has a really sweet framed set of four back covers (Cooks Illustrated) that used to hang in their kitchen that I love, so I've been thinking about subscribing and saving them up.

But anyways...dinner tonight was kebabs!  I stopped at Safeway for some of the pre-cubed beef (I think the label says something like "stewing cubes" or something like that).  We already had onions and bell pepper, so it was just a matter of skewering and cooking them up really quick on our griddle-like pan.

It's pretty simple to whip this one up.  Since the meat is already cubed, just heat your pan up with a bit of olive oil and soak a few kebab sticks in water while you wait.  I like my meat on the rare side of medium rare, so I put the heat up.  If you don't like your beef still mooing, make sure you stay on a medium-low or medium temperature and the cook time will take just a bit longer.  As much as I love kebabs, we all know those veggies never cook at the same rate as the meat.  Do yourself a favor and make a few sticks with meat and a few with veggies, that way you can control the even cooking of everything.  I actually forgot to take pictures of our plates, but I have one of the leftover meat and veggies.  Salt and pepper everything to taste and eat with your favorite BBQ sauce and a side (we had garlic naan, but potatoes or a Pastaroni type side would work well, too).

Here's a few shots:

And it's that easy!  See you next time. :)

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